Friday, November 21, 2008

Hedging Against Stress

Over the years, 100 Women in Hedge Funds, a global association of more than 10,000 professional women, has sponsored various events for its members. Their aim is to “make a difference in our industry and community with unique educational programming, professional leverage initiatives and philanthropy.”

In the recent past they have invited members to events like:

Best Practices for Hedge Funds in an Ever-Changing Regulatory Environment

Women and Powerful Conversations: How to Negotiate Your Career, Expand Your Role and Increase Your Compensation

Oil Prices and Global Financial Mark

Distressed Debt Investing: Finding Opportunities after the Subprime Debacle

It is another telling sign of how things are now that the next event is:

Managing Stress and Living Well amid the Financial Crisis
Can meditation really make a difference in managing stress?

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